To prevent risks, like a premature failure of machine parts, increased consumption and to reduce vibration levels, we have developed unique methods to monitor, detect and correct misalignments in the shaft line.
Issues like excessive vibrations, premature failure of machine parts, and increased power consumption could all be indicators of shaft misalignment. They can cause higher maintenance costs, lead to expensive repairs, or even cause costly downtime.
Repairs where the underlying causes of misalignments have not been eliminated may cause shafts, bearings, couplings, and seals to fail again. At BERG Propulsion, we have developed unique methods for monitoring, detecting, and correcting misalignments in the shaft line in order to find, investigate and repair potential damages.
We’re using our expertise in rotordynamics and extensive experience to create the optimal configuration and shaft alignment for your vessel to meet future operational needs.
Our rotor dynamic service includes real-time measurements on site, as well as computer simulation analyses off-site. By combining computer simulation and real-time measurements, we can identify the state of the mechanical system as an entire unit.
Computer-based shaft alignment analyses, combined with our decades of industry experience, mean that we can provide your vessels with optimal shaft alignment. Mechanical simulations make up a key part of our shaft alignment analyses, giving us a deeper understanding of how the integrated unit should ideally run.
By making real-time measurements on-site of the shaft alignment and its dynamic response, we can determine the actual condition of the system and detect potential risks.
Our Rotor Dynamic Service applies not only to BERG Propulsion systems but to all industry propulsion systems, both for new builds and retrofits. It can be customized throughout the lifecycle of the propulsion unit.
Evaluating the results of the measurements and analyses gives us an overview of the entire propulsion unit, from the engine to the propeller. We use this data to suggest improvements to the propulsion unit.
In the design and manufacturing phase, our technical proposal includes an overall shaft arrangement analysis, shaft lateral analyses (including an alignment whirling report), as well as torsional and axial vibration analyses.
In the installation phase, the primary aim of the shaft alignment analysis is to check how well the propulsion shafting is aligned with the supporting bearings, and what changes need to be made to prevent damages, vibration, and noise.
Our in-house-developed simulation model includes all details of the propeller and relevant elements (like bearings, couplings, and gearboxes). By considering and defining relevant loads for various operational conditions, our in-depth analysis is ensured by adding defined gap and sag conditions to the alignment methods. It is also possible to evaluate the jack-up load test results. Based on our findings, we provide advice and installation instructions.
In the commissioning, phase dynamic response and vibration measurements are done and evaluated.
Mechanical failure troubleshooting is part of our on-site service portfolio and includes highly precise reverse engineering processes for providing suitable solutions and advice for improvement.
We are looking forward to hearing from you and discussing how we can be of assistance in making sure that your fleet is fully covered.
Berg Propulsion AB
Andvägen 26
475 40 Hönö, Sweden
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